Saturday, April 1, 2017

How Can I Validate That Person? Part 3

My dad just died ... He passed away on March 29. The last two days he wanted to be alone. He did not want to talk. He wanted to be alone, with himself, as if preparing to make the great transition. He passed away without physical pain… Now he is at peace.

The theory tells us that death is a transition to a different state, and that in itself, it is not a bad thing. But for those around a loved one, and despite the theory, it is a difficult experience… very difficult. More difficult for my mom. Anyway…

This has also meant that the release on Amazon of my book, The Secret Path of Alice, has been postponed again, now for next Saturday, April 8.

I have told you that validation means that you find the other person, every other person, intelligent and attractive. And, if possible, wonderful, and enchanting. I know what some of you may be thinking. “But how will I find him or her intelligent and attractive, if he or she is an awful person, a son of a blip blip blip? But my boss is a horrible person. My husband is a drunkard and a womanizer. My former friend is a bitch, who tried to steal my husband”.

I have also told you that to answer this, first you need to learn a certain discrimination.

Through space there are multiple cosmic rays traveling. Every night we see a myriad of stars, each one sending its light through space. And those cosmic rays are also energy. Scientists are still studying how energy permeates the universe. Maybe it its full of Higgs bosoms, which manifest as energy fields throughout the universe, including through you and through me. You don´t see them, but they are here, and there, and over there too. Energy impregnates the universe.

In it we live, we move, and we have our being. Energy is everywhere. Now, just change the name, and say, for example, “spirit” or “conscience” or “light”. It takes your form, your body, and then we know that you are a portion of light named Jane or John or whatever. You and I are the spirit living through you, trying to manifest itself through you, seeing through your eyes, hearing through your ears, touching through your hands. That is what we call conscience of unity. The appearance of separation is just an illusion. We are all the same, part of the same vast ocean of light.

Imagine the ground in a town. Visualize the soil passing through different houses and through their gardens. It is the same soil. You build a gate, and you see two houses separated by the gate. But underlying them, it is the same soil, which is not interrupted. Chemists would say it does not interrupt continuity. It is the same soil. There is an underlying unity of soil, and the different houses give us the appearance of separation.

Timbiriche, a Mexican pop music group, sang with whole wisdom: “You and I are One and the Same” (of course they had another context). But that phrase it true. Maybe you watched a film called “What the Blip Do We Know!?” In a scene the protagonist suddenly sees each other person as herself. 
Suppose she is Mary. She sees Maries all over the city. At the cinema, in the street, everywhere. Everywhere she looks around, she sees Maries.

You and I, and he, and she, we are all the same. A portion of space or, if you rather, a portion of light with a name, with a label.

Travis Arias
I´m here for you…

For your deep transformation.

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