Friday, January 27, 2017

Do you want Healing or Just a Remedy?

Do you want Healing or Just a Remedy?

A problem of most spiritual seekers is that they only want a remedy for the temporary conflict they have at that time… a short-term remedy. You have a strong pain, and you take a strong analgesic. The analgesic remedies the pain, the symptom, but it does not operate on the root cause of the disease. Remedies only touch the surface, but they do not reach deep into your Inner Self, they do not heal your soul.

This Blog is a kind of practical course so that you gradually go deep into your inner being, and achieve for yourself an integral, holistic healing.

Eckhart Tolle tells us of a psychoanalyst who, after several years of treating a patient, gave him his five thousand-page file, and said, “Here is all the information about you.” Thousands of pages of “content” related to the subconscious mind. But a natural reaction of the patient would be, having the voluminous record in his hands: “Well, what do I do with this?”

Therapies usually remedy problems, but usually do not achieve a complete, complete cure. Tony de Mello says that many people came to his practice to raise the conflicts about their relationships and their communication with their friends and relatives. Many times, therapy provided some help, some remedy. But, he says, I often wondered if it was right to give him or her that remedy, because its effects are temporary, and the patient is still asleep and subject to the tangle of unpleasant attachments and emotions.

In extreme cases, of psychosis or true severity, therapy is not only useful, but necessary to reduce such an agonizing state, such acute despair.

But, Tony tells us, in ordinary, not extreme cases, it may be preferable, instead of giving him or her such a remedy, to allow the problem and conflict to grow, until he reaches a point where he says, “I am fed up with everything! I need to wake up.” Maybe then he will have the motivation, the impulse to change, and to persevere in such change, practicing the necessary discipline, strict observance of the spiritual path.

In theory, complete healing could be achieved in three minutes if the person attained an understanding of Reality, and made the inflexible decision to drop his or her unpleasant attachments and emotions.

However, 90% of people require to follow a path, to follow a process, a discipline of one to three years, depending on how strict is the observance of techniques or methods of cleansing the link that connects you with the Spirit.

In language courses, there are schools that tell you: “Learn Spanish in six months.” And you're off with the feint. In six months, you manage to hold a conversation, yes, it is true… but mastery of a foreign language requires three to five years.

In the matter of spiritual development, the same thing happens. There are now numerous short courses of three to six months. Of course, they are useful (as the Spanish you learn in six months is useful), but at the end of those courses you realize that you are only at the threshold of initiation of the full path.

We also have access to weekend retreats or one-day seminars. These are useful because in them you can have a moment when you decide a crucial change. Moments of clarity and outstanding understanding. Some call it a turning point or “a moment of aha!”, a moment in which “get it or grasp it”. In other short retreats or seminars, they give you the tools to, after you leave them, you develop a plan of action to change, to take control over your life. You should have a life project.

A day or a weekend, in theory could be enough to generate the change, but usually they are not enough. Normally a seminar or a one-day seminar is conceived to sow in you a seed that in another time can flourish. For such seed to flourish, your task is to cultivate it. You do not have to examine under the ground your roots every day, but if you take care of the seed with love, and if you provide it with that water, which in spiritual writings has been called aqua viva, living water within you.

I invite you to seek not a remedy, but your complete healing. Keep in touch with this Blog. Let your health gradually permeate you…

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