Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Divine Paradox

All is well and everything is a mess… How come?

Imagine God in the process of Creation of the Universe. He has already created the heavens and the earth, and the seas, angels, archangels and all heavenly choirs, animal and vegetable creatures… His next step is to create what we humans like to call “the crown of Creation” (meaning us, of course).
God has His divine attributes (of course they are divine! Or not?): Freedom, happiness, love, peace, and wisdom. Now, He is talking to himself:

“Oh God! that is, Oh I! I have already created the heavenly angels, archangels, and heavenly choirs, but they all have a restriction: they cannot manifest my divine attributes in the outer world, in the material or physical world! Everything is internal, subtle and sublime, but it does not transcend the sensual and wonderful world of Alice (when the story is written), the wonderful world of sensation. I want to create a being through whom I can look at the material world, and can hear, touch, smell, taste ... well, enjoy! “

“How do I do it, how do I do it? Ah! I got it! I will create the Human Being, I will create the Male and the Female, the Man and the Woman, and through them I will manifest Myself, I will express my divine attributes. Yeah! What a good idea! It is indeed a Divine Idea! “

“But ... I have two options. Do I create it with free will or without free will? If I create it without free will, it will happen as in the film A Clockwork Orange (when the film is shot) in which a ruffian loses his ability to choose, because when he chooses evil, he hears the beginning of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony (which he used to like before), and it causes him to have such a sharp and intense pain in his ear, that he represses his impulse to behave badly and therefore, he behaves good.”

“That human being, without free will, could not (rightly) call himself “the crown of My Creation.” He would be a mere robot, an automaton. No, no. I must create him with free will. That means he will have the faculty of eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil (that is, he will start describing each experience as “good” or “bad”, although the truth is that everything was good and wonderful in the beginning).”

“He will have the power to seek his own interest, even to the detriment of himself or of others (egoism). He will have the ability to cling, to attach to people, things, situations, and ideas. He will have the power to generate unpleasant emotions, such as irritation, anguish, resentment, and worry… but this faculty will exalt him because, as a counterpart, he will also have the faculty to express My divine attributes, the attributes for whose manifestation I have created him. He will have the power to manifest freedom, love, happiness, peace and wisdom.”

“The human being will have the power to generate himself a wonderful world (like Alice's), a world of harmony, or vibrate in a world of conflict, dysfunctional.”

“Thus, the human being will be able to know that All is Well, because the Creation, which includes his freedom, is perfect… and if he did not include such freedom, he would be imperfect. And, paradoxically, everything will be a mess, when in the exercise of his free will he chooses conflict, attachment, hatred, fear… a nightmare.”

Turning to you, reader of this Blog, in particular, God completed His idea, saying:

“Everything is good because you are free. Although someone chooses the conflict, You Can Choose Harmony. You can choose to Love, to Love Me, to Love You and to Love every being that crosses your path.”

In order to constantly manifest the attributes of God: freedom, love, happiness, peace, and wisdom, you must wake up…

It's up to you… It is your decision!

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