Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Do You Want to Wake Up?

Do you want to wake up?

You're asleep ... As we'll see in The Wonderful Secret of Alice, she was dull, drowsy, at the beginning of the story. She wanted a different, wonderful life… and made the decision to start a process of awakening. Most people live asleep.

Being awake is a state of awareness in which you have dropped all false illusions, all negative emotions, and all attachments; in which you feel the presence of Reality, of your Real Self, in the present, with the totality of your attention. This condition of being awake is something that cannot be described or defined. You must live it to know what it is.

When you have dropped anything that affects you or irritates you, when you have got ridden of everything that affects you or irritates you, what remains is awareness, ineffable consciousness. What remains is freedom, happiness, love, peace, wisdom.

To raise your level of awareness, you must go deeper and deeper into your inner self. It is not necessary to intellectualize or label the levels of consciousness, but rather to feel them, that is, to live them, to experience them, to go inside Wonderland. You feel that you are going deeper and deeper within yourself (as you descend like through a rabbit-hole) in your enjoyment of consciousness.

To the lowest “states of consciousness” (which are rather states of unconsciousness), some call them sleeping and increased sleeping. What we commonly know as a “waking state,” or what we commonly know as “being awake,” is called “increased sleeping.” This is news for you today: you think you are awake, but the truth is that, right now, you are sleeping, at least if you are just like any other people.

Usually, you live only in those two states without consciousness. Part of your life is spent being literally asleep, and the other part you are like a sleepwalker, in a state of increased sleep, which really differs very little from simple sleep.

Most people do not realize that they are asleep… but the reality is that they were born asleep, they live asleep, they marry asleep, they conceive children asleep, they raise them asleep, and they die asleep, never waking.

Most people have had only flashes of awakening, but most of the time they do not understand the loveliness and the beauty of life and of this world we live in, the wonderful adventure of existing.

With the right methods, you can acquire the sufficient mastery to make you conscious and remain in a state of awareness.

You can wake up… you can awake to freedom and to the wonder to love in a constant way, not at times to do, and at times not… permanent freedom and love.

This treasure is at your disposal. I invite you to wake up.

The first step is that you want it.

Do you want to wake up?

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